Piles of Good Things: Body Love


This idea is actually super powerful. With a little bit of intention and focus you can change your brain to support a positive healthy outlook about life. With my clients, I use simple techniques based on this concept and supported by neuroscience for lasting change in how we view our bodies and ourselves. Some people use these techniques naturally, and thus, “stumbled” upon healthier, happier lives. Obviously, there are other factors involved, but you really can teach your subconscious “new tricks”.

When I decided to work with body image in women, I had to figure out how I got to this place of loving and accepting my very imperfect body (by various standards). How come I was fat and still loved myself and others had “perfect” bodies and were filled with self-loathing? The answer wasn’t simple, but I was determined to figure out ways to work with women to open the door to this type of transformation. I found that my background in learning and the brain, spiritual mentoring, counseling and interests in health and fitness really gave me great tools to use.

No matter where you are in this body acceptance & positivity revolution, you have something important to share. What have you learned so far that has helped you the most? Have you been able to increase the “pile of good things” in your life? How so?

Please share with us!

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